Monday, March 28, 2011


One problem with computer music is that it requires a computer.  Actually, this isn't an inherent problem, unless there is a problem inherent in the computer on which the music is supposed to be being made.  In my case, such a problem has developed:  my computer is terminally ill.  Being one who believes in allowing the dying to pass honorably, I am taking steps to relieve my old colleague of its duties before senility sets in by ordering a replacement.  However, there has been a sea change in computing technology in the time since we began working together nearly five years ago and the new young hot-shot on its way has a multi-core architecture.  Although the software with which I have been working is designed to be cross-platform (my old computer is a PC and the new one will be a Mac), it was written during the now seemingly distant single-core era and rumor has it that it does not get on well with the dual- and quad-core designs of today's machines.  Thus, it is up in the air whether or not my late-blooming but still fledgling passion for music synthesis -- and the reason for this blog -- will be curtailed before it even gets a fair start. 

This blog is turning into more of an "Excuse of the Week" than the homage to ADSR that I had hoped.  Still, to succeed, one must first fail many times.  Onward, into a brave new iWorld!

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