Wednesday, August 29, 2018


You know you've neglected your blog when it sends you a bot asking if you're still alive. 

I have continued to make music this year, if at my characteristic slow pace, but all of it since the below entry has been posted to the Lines forum (  I feel I have found a welcoming community of musicians and experimenters there who, while being mostly well above my knowledge and skill level, make music and gadgets (hardware and software) that inspires me.  I've participated in two of their Lines Community Remix Projects and am currently engaged in a third.  This participation meets one of my major goals for this year:  to make music (more) publicly (with people who aren't already friends). 

Lines and the LCRPs do not, however, constitute the entirety of my creative output this year.  Outside of these efforts, I have been at work on a Max/M4L-based audio processor since mid-spring.  It has gone through several iterations and each one comes closer to sounding like what I have in mind.  Once complete, I intend to use it to do possibly several pieces for viola and/or bells with it. 

In the meantime, I intend to keep this site alive as a repository for explications and other ramblings about music or other creative interests:  today's post is, in fact, essentially a keep-alive.