Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Nature of Evolution

There's a new lcrp collaboration/collection that I'm on:

I was privileged to have my idea for the project -- punctuated equilibrium -- selected by the group and to help with the cover design as well (ideas, not actual art, which was done by another Lines Community artist).  If you're interested in how I imagined PE as a musical idea, my original prompt (and the full collaboration thread) can be found here.  Technical notes are near the bottom of that thread, but can be accessed directly here

This is likely to be my last effort with the lcrp for a while, as I have several musical projects of my own that I want to focus on.  As mentioned in my last post, I hope to consolidate my non-professional creative efforts under Circling Crows, including porting this blog to a host offering better owner's rights.  As part of that process, I plan to revisit my old musical works here and on Soundcloud and collect the ones I like the most into a Bandcamp album, a process I intend to use as a demarcation between what feels like much more formative works and my more recent ones which have felt more authentic and meaningful to me.  I'm also working on a series of pieces for viola, which I plan to organize into an album for Bandcamp.

I do intend to keep an ear cocked to the lcrp; they are an amazing community and much of my new self-confidence as a musician was fostered there.  I doubt PE will be the last thing I do with them, even as I orient myself in other directions.

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